Fight for education

Helping Children

Most part of Cambodia still does not have enough preschool for the early childhood yet, especially the rural and the remote area.

What we do

We aim to provide groceries, amenities and appliances to low-income familes. We nedd your help

Help The Helpless

Findings and studies in cancer Science Blog. Sharing new developments.

Save The Children

developmentses findings science Blog. Sharing new and studies in cancer.

Donation For Poor

Findings and studies in cancer Science Blog. Sharing new developments.

About us

Known across life stories
Country and the world amazing

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live artes we do in the world of finance.

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Help The Helpless

Findings and studies in cancer Science Blog. Sharing new developments.

Save The Children

developmentses findings science Blog. Sharing new and studies in cancer.

Donation For Poor

Findings and studies in cancer Science Blog. Sharing new developments.

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Known across the country and the world for the amazing work they do the British Red Cross uses its blog to share a mix of real-life stories firs aid advice and to help raise awareness

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Ana Eli

Content Writer

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Job Re-Announcement (Urgent)

Job Re-Announcement (Urgent)

Kroursar Yoeung Association (KrY) is a local non-governmental organization with no religious or political ties and was established in 2002…

Hello world!

Hello world!

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Dissemination Workshop Pre-mathematic and Pre-Writing Manuals for Preschool Education

Dissemination Workshop Pre-mathematic and Pre-Writing Manuals for Preschool Education

On december 15, 2015, Krousar Yoeung Association, in collaboration with Enfant et Développement, and Plan International Cambodia, held a workshop…

New event in March

New event in March

The early childhood sub-committee was established in 1996 aiming at: o Strengthening early childhood activities in Cambodia to meet the…