Last week, KrY had a team meeting in its headquarters in Phnom Penh to finalize all the remaining activities for 2021 and discuss the implementation of activities as well as KrY’s plan for the coming year.
Project managers based in the provinces of Siem Reap and Kratie made the trip to participate in this meeting which brought together all the management staff: Mr. Khim Vichet, Executive Director of KrY, Ms Phoung Kresna, Finance and Admin Manager, Mr Lay Pek Try, ECRC Manager etc…
Currently, KrY is implementing three projects and one social business and is working in six provinces: Ratanakiri, Preah Vihear, Kratie, Tboung Khmum, Siem Reap and Kampong Cham.
• First, the Happy Cambodian Children (HCC) Project aims at giving all Cambodian children better chances for their future by giving them access to quality education. It is funded by the Kinchan Foundation and KrY is responsible for the implementation of the preschool component.
• One project funded by NOREC and implemented jointly by KrY and two partners, ASPADA from Bangladesh and PAHAL from India, aims at exchanging and sharing knowledge on nutrition and health related tools, projects, and approaches.
• One project in the province of Preah Vihear supporting pre-school education: 5 pre-schools (10 classrooms) are currently being built in very remote and rural communities so that children will get equal access to education and better chances for their future. This Project is funded by Phoenix Foundation.
Moreover, the ECRC (Early Childhood Resource Center) is a social enterprise expert on early childhood care and development and proposing services (training for teachers, teams, cooks on ECCD and nutrition as well as consultancy services) and pedagogical games, materials as well as furniture for pre-school classes.